Find the cause of jealousy in your marriage by Elizabeth Badejo

It takes a lot of effort to create a genuine sense of partnership and commitment in marriage and the couple’s individual characters have a huge stake in this process. The greatest joy of marriage is finding a soulmate, someone to love and trust. But when a certain character such as jealousy finds a place in your marriage, it can become a thin line between love and hate. Many terrible situations in marriage can be avoided if couples pay more attention to their own behaviours and the events that can trigger them.When you have self-awareness, you are more likely to understand your own feelings and the impact it has on your own wellbeing and other relationships above your marriage. A little drop of jealousy A little dose of jealousy can be great for your marriage as it expresses the feelings your spouse has for you and when it is coming from a place of love, it can safeguard your marriage from challenging situations. Jealousy is a normal human behaviour and everyone displays it at one time or another. But when expressed in a reasonably healthy manner, it can address matters that need to be resolved and lay a stronger foundation for the marriage to stand upon. Healthy jealousy in marriage can also be the inspiration you need to complement your spouse if you are not enjoying marital fulfillment and wish to go on a journey of self-development so that you can recover your lost self-confidence. Do not ignore jealousy An unhealthy jealousy has destroyed many marriages therefore recognising the traits of jealousy during the courtship period can create the awareness you and your spouse need to get the right support even before you embark on the marital journey. Jealousy is not an isolated behaviour, it is commonly triggered by fear, insecurity, and sometimes complex emotions. A situation inside or outside your marriage can trigger a feeling of jealousy if your spouse feels undermined and you become insensitive towards their feeling. Your marriage may be at risk if you continue to ignore the fact that you or your spouse has jealous tendencies, as this can leave one of both feeling anxious and insecure. Jealousy can become toxic Some of the behaviours of a jealous spouse may be linked to childhood experiences and challenges a child faced especially if you or your spouse had a distressing upbringing and now exhibiting negative characters defined by those experiences. A child deprived and maltreated by parents or carers can suffer low self-esteem due to this feeling of rejection, such an adult can grow up with severe feelings of envy. Events such as disappointments in a previous relationship or marriage can trigger jealous behaviour making your spouse feeling vulnerable and suspicious about everyone around them including their spouse. This feeling can become so toxic when presented as attachment disorder in marriage in the interest of protecting what rightly belong to them this time round. This behaviour can threaten your marriage and create an unpleasant situation. Even though it can be difficult to battle the feeling of jealousy, when you focus on the deep root of the problem, you will be making a positive step towards unravelling the fears behind the feelings. Copied from


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