When lie leads and truth lies in state with Fola Ojo
This ancient story, I once heard. Some faraway twin brothers named Truth and Lie. They both stood by a river just outside of their small village bantering off. Then, Lie challenged his twin brother Truth to a race.
“There is no faster or better swimmer than me in the history of this village. Truth, I can swim faster across this river than you”, Lie said.
“What are the rules?”, Truth asked?
Lie laid out the rules. Both of them must strip naked, and at the count of 1, 2, 3.. dive into the freezing cold water splashing and stroking to the other side and back. They both got ready and steadied their gaits. Lie, always boisterous and forward, counted to three. Trusting Truth jumped in the river, Lie laughed and lingered at the banks. He did not jump. Truth kept stroking on across the river. Lie grabbed Truth’s garments laying on the ground and strapped them on, strolling back to town. Lie stole the identity of Truth, and proudly paraded himself around town as his brother. Having won the contest that really was not, Truth returned to shore groping around for his garments. They were gone! Lie’s filthy garments laid on the ground. They were not a good fit for Truth. Truth was left naked by his brother, Lie. Truth refused to wear what was not his size and sainthood of garments. He had no choice but to walk back to town nauseatingly naked.
While walking around town, people stared at him and asked each other, “What happened to Truth; has he gone mad?” Truth dug into his arsenal of truth attempting to explain what Lie did to him. But who would listen to Truth when he appeared like Lie? People walked away from Truth. They hated Truth. They despised Truth. To them, he is Lie. Lie became a celebrity. People followed him. A big crowd swelled around him. He became the master and Truth the slave. People chose to believe Lie because he spoke the language that was sonorous in their ears. He spoke it eloquently and masterfully. The people salivated hearing more from Lie, because in their ears, Lie is Truth. Truth returned to the rivers after his embarrassing experience in the hands of Lie and the people. Poor Truth! He made it back to the riverside. He took a final plunge. And forever, he disappeared. And ever since, Truth has disappeared from amongst us. He is not dead but Lie controls the world. Lie has more followership. Lie controls the dollar and pounds sterling. And whoever controls the money controls power. Whoever has power has it all. Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth. Every society loves Lie and hates Truth. This is exactly the world we live in today. All around and everywhere; Lie, who is the thief, is the chief. And Truth, who is the real deal, is in servitude. What a world.
copied from https://punchng.com/when-lie-leads-and-truth-lies-in-state/
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