Nigeria's Uncultivated Wellbeing Aspirations- A Civilisation Question or an Insightful Reasoning Gap Plague

Nigerians are incapable of discerning what their problems are. Nigerians are not able to reflect and reason out to understand the size and shape of their problem. This bothers on obstructive ancestral worldviews carried over from their African ways of thought and deployment which in turn inflicts an imbecilic disposition on how they advance their wellbeing. This could mean that a large significant section of the country presents with this affliction, thereby infecting the rest with the consequences of this situation. Apparent Issues that signify that Nigeria’s deployment as a Nation is Chaotic: 1. The Nigerian government is set up in such a way that is not functional to the wellbeing development of their people. This is because the aspirations of the people are largely uncultivated, therefore it manifests a National Objective vacuum which makes it difficult for any leader who eventually emerges to provide quality leadership. 2. Education system of Nigeria is not functional to the people’s full employment aspirations. Education in Nigeria is not linked to any National Productive Goal, therefore most people become unemployed immediately after school graduation. 3. Macro-economic deployments around public good infrastructure are not functional to the wellbeing of the people. Fiscal expenditure on infrastructure developments are deployed at the wimps and caprices of unenlightened/unpathetic politicians whose considerations when allocating fiscal arrangements indicate tribal and primordial sentiments. Therefore, resources are not efficiently aligned to meet people’s long term socio-economic wellbeing needs. This has led to increased rate of poverty across Nigeria. 4. Nigerian citizens are plagued with no functional understanding of what their wellbeing should be, and confused as to who is ultimately responsible for their wellbeing. 5. Nigerian’s are eager to avoid their wellbeing responsibilities, where they unwisely hope that it is someone else’s responsibility. This then leaves a vicious cycle of Vacuum in Leadership responsibility and accountability. There is confusion as to what building a formidable wellbeing framework of public goods; relevant to the society means. The people have not developed their ability to come up with well-defined wellbeing aspirations. <Insightful Reasoning Gap Plague (IRG Plague) IRG plague is experienced when a people who experience challenges are not able to insightfully deploy reasoning in a timely manner that will lead to determinations that will give rise to enlightened solutions that will improve society’s wellbeing. This plague then leads to a Reason Gap which is then filled with foolish determinations that gives rise to idiotic solutions where a new set of imbecilic norms , values and attitude becomes normalized in that society


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