Listening is an essential skill for a healthy marriage By Elizabeth Badejo
Even though communication is an essential tool in marriage, it can only be effective when a couple is able to practice the act of listening to one another. This may sound easy but often impossible to accomplish making conflict resolution difficult in many marriages. In some cultures, the husband is responsible for making the decisions while the wife is accustomed to listening and taking instructions without expressing her own opinion which can lead to cohesive control making the woman feel threatened in her own marriage. Perhaps your marriage is struggling today because your spouse lacks listening skill, and you try your best to stay calm to avoid conflict. Break the barrier In a healthy relationship, both parties must be willing to practice the act of listening to each other and this is often a barrier even from the courtship period. Some spouses take this for granted and make a connection to their partner’s character to justify the bad habit which can lead to emotional abuse and b...