The Psychological Frame of a Juju Patron

There is a high incentive to use juju to settle scores in Africa; hence I came up with possible elements that could motivate the practise of juju: •The psychological nature of Africa’s people is inherently superstitious (Illogical) and not solution driven (Logical) - Africans keep discharging stories and tales of juju powers (influence) over their day to day activities. A lot of these stories are mostly unproven, delusional and when investigated, lacks logical supposition. This in turn breeds fear amongst the people which in turn motivates individuals to choose Juju as an option to intimidate others and seek revenge for perceived wrongs done to them. It is also our superstitious thinking that is responsible for the large Church congregation that has since infested the African society (Always looking for superstitious or spiritual solution to their problems instead of thinking through their problems and coming up with findings for their next steps). Africans love outsourcing their responsibilities to a supernatural figure(Exploited by fake pastors littered everywhere in Africa) •Lack of Options: Most Africans have fewer options available to them for survival; so it’s always a do or die affair for most of their aspirations- This also encourages the use of Juju. •Lack of Adequate Penal System: Most times wrong doers are set free rather than punished- This encourages people to resort to a spiritual penal medium to exert revenge or to engage in unlawful activities using Juju as protection, since the system will not give them a commensurate punitive response and most likely will go scot free . •Lack of Adequate Education System for the people: This breeds ignorance and fear of the unknown. When critical masses of people are inadequately informed, it encourages jungle mentality where aspirations are not refined and well thought out. This makes them not to use a logical method to solve their problems but resorting to crude techniques which are mostly self-destructive i.e. Juju use. •Oppressive Society: Most African societies are highly repressive and not egalitarian in nature.- This encourages some people to fight back aggressively using anything within their reach including Juju •No Consequences for using Juju: The African society does not have a strong spiritual medium to discourage people from resorting to Juju use •Inability to Access Basic Amenities by all Classes: Most Africans do not have basic access to good health, good education, good employment opportunities that will engage their intellect enough to be logical in their disposition and not resort to unsophisticated use of Juju.


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