Do You want to write well? Read a lot of novels!
Many times, people ask me what they need to do to write well. Even though there are many things one needs to do to be able to write well, there is one among them that is fundamental. And that is: “If you want to write well, read novels, and more novels.” It is as simple as that. Other types of books are good. Magazines, newspapers and journals are also good. But if you want to write in a compelling manner; if you want your readers to read your works from start to finish; if you want to hold your audience captive; if you want to entertain your audience rather than just educate them and bore them stiff, the solution is simple: Read novels. And what type of novels are we talking about? Any type of novel would do. Any novel that agrees with your spirit. Any novel that has an interesting story. Any novel that can hold you captive. Read as many as possible. Read them all the time. Soak yourself in the narrative. In a couple of years, you will see the impact. Why is novel-reading this magi...